| 1. | The housing search : learning the different kinds of housing ( house , apartment ) as well as the number of rooms 学习不同风格的家居(房间,公寓)以及房间号等。 |
| 2. | It was only a matter of time before he was again tearing around the house searching for his keys , at which point i said nothing and kept at what i was doing 在房间里跑来跑去找他的钥匙,这种情况的出现只是时间问题,这时我一声不吭继续忙我的。 |
| 3. | The announcement also comes as us forces in iraq are conducting house - to - house searches in baghdad for a missing us serviceman who ' s believed to have been kidnapped 在作此公告时,驻伊美军正在巴格达挨家挨户地搜寻一名失踪的美国军人,据信他已遭绑架。 |
| 4. | In addition to directing traffic , their duties also include conducting traffic patrols , house searches and security checks on women in prisons and universities 除了指挥交通外,女警的勤务还包括了执行交通巡逻、搜查民宅、以及对监狱和大学里的女性进行安全检查等。 |
| 5. | Sorting of auction house searches has been simplified so you can only sort by one column , and automatic sub - sorts have been created for those columns to be as useful as possible 拍卖行的搜索排序现在被简化,所以你可以只按其中一列排序,然而其余的自动排序功能将会尽量友好化。 |
| 6. | A comprehensive computerised database was made available to members of the public through in - house search services in march . the new service removed the need for customers to look for the required data through microfiches 该处在三月推出一项新的电脑化资料库查册服务,让市民毋须再用缩微胶片查阅所需资料。 |